Ken Ison Pottery is looking forward to our favourite Double Banger Weekend Markets, beginning with Yungaburra tomorrow. So far it has been a good month at Port, even if it rained out for one week. Stallholders who braved the wet on the 11th had a good, though miserable day. And last week in Port we met a lovely lady from Norfolk Island. About twenty-five years ago on a visit to Norfolk we purchased one of her bowls. And now she has some of Ken’s.
It’s been a busy week in the pottery, with eight fires this month and on the
twentieth the Opal Kiln hit 500. Sparky, the kiln that is still relatively new, is getting close to 450 fires and will be in operation again on Monday to bisque fire the fifty-six mugs recently made by Ken. Here they are with bottoms just turned and drying. As quick as they come out of the kiln, they are gone with eight heading south yesterday and more on order.
From the Opal Kiln fire on Tuesday we have more of these Opal Lungos (250ml mugs) plus the much-in-demand Oil Bottles, but be quick.
Look forward to seeing you at Yungaburra tomorrow or Port Douglas on Sunday. Find the Flame near the servo or the church.